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Electric water heater

Tips for Safe Water Heater Usage

To keep your water heater running at an optimal level, it needs regular attention. Having a professional periodically maintain your water heater is a smart move if you’d like to keep everyone in your home safe. You can follow some basic steps to promote safety.

Set the Appropriate Temperature

If your water heater temperature is set too high, you’ll be using excess energy. More importantly, people will be at risk of scalding. On the other hand, if your water heater is set too low, bacteria may thrive in your water and your fixtures.

One type of bacteria that can grow in warm water is Legionella, which can cause Legionnaires’ disease. This disease may cause major health complications. People don’t necessarily have to drink contaminated water to contract the disease. Sometimes, they just have to breathe in contaminated water droplets or mist.

It’s recommended that you set your water heater to a temperature between 120 and 130 degrees. This temperature can minimize the growth of Legionella, and it won’t be too hot for many people. If you set it to 130 degrees, make sure any older or younger people in the home are aware and mix hot and cold water in the bath or shower.

Be Careful About Carbon Monoxide

To mitigate the risk of carbon monoxide exposure when using a gas water heater, install a carbon monoxide detector near your unit. If you already have one, make sure you test it regularly, maybe even every month. You should also consider changing your batteries twice a year.

In addition, it’s a good idea to keep your water heater in a well-ventilated space. If there are vents, clean them once in a while to make sure that air can flow freely through them.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

When you have a technician check on your water heater, you get the opportunity to learn about minor issues before they become major ones. Further, if you have your water heater flushed, you’ll allow it to work more efficiently.

Flushing the system can get rid of deposits that have developed in the bottom of the tank. Over time, these deposits could clog things to the point that the water heater can’t work effectively. This could potentially lead to a leak or, even worse, high pressure that causes burst pipes or sudden blasts of hot water.

Take Steps to Ensure Safety

It’s important to pay attention to your water heater if you want to continue using it safely. Having it professionally maintained, taking precautions with carbon monoxide, and setting the temperature appropriately can all be strategic moves. If you need water heater service in Odessa, TX, call Resolv Services.

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